I'm taking a Nap after taking Vicodin for my latest Kidney Stone Surgery. I hear two distinct knocks on my bedroom door. No words, just the knocks. It's about 5pm. I just ignore it and roll back over.
CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP goes my cellphone. It's in the Living Room. So I get out of Bed and go into the Living Room to look at the phone.
It's a Text Message from my Niece Casey, saying: I'm going to Jersey Mike's you want anything?
I text back - Yes, Club Sub with Lettuce Mayo Bacon and Provolone.
Reply: ok
20 Mins later, I need to go to Petsmart to get some dogfood. I leave my house, go to petsmart, take my time shopping, make my purchases and return home.
Casey still isn't back yet. It's now 6pm. The Jersey Mikes is only 4 miles away.
So, I proceed to make my Dog's Dinner, feed all the outside animals and come back inside just as Casey is arriving with the food 1 1/2 hours after she left!
This is how the rest of us would do this:
1. Get everyone's orders
2. Drive to Jersey Mikes and order/pay/pickup the food
3. Return Home
4. Total Time: 30 Mins max.
Here's how Casey did it:
1. Get everyone's orders.
2. Drive Home does who knows what and while she is there decides to take a Shower!
3. Goes to Jersey Mikes and does everything there.
4. They didn't have the chips Sarah likes (God Forbid) so she then
5. Drives to Wal-Mart to get a bag of chips!
6. Then returns home.
Is it any wonder that I wasn't hungry when she finally got here?
Life goes on here on Courthouse Road